Самарский областной художественный музей

Samara art museum
  • О музее
  • Информация для посетителей
  • История
  • Коллекция
  • Постоянные экспозиции
  • Выставки и мероприятия
  • Видеогалерея
  • Виртуальные выставки

  • Аверьянов Б.Я. Вечереет

    Ледантю М.В. Кожевники на Куре

    Айвазовский И.К. Утро в Гурзуфе

    Архипов М.В. Портрет профессора Н.Н. Простосердова

    Laurens J. Делакруа Э. Положение во гроб

    Takabayashi M. У входа в храм

    Верещагин П.П. Вид Нижнего Новгорода

    Маковский В.Е. Две сестры (Две дочери)


    Маковский Владимир Егорович



    Холст, масло 115,0x99,0



    Works of Makovsky of 1890s -1900 are based on an intriguing plot and complex domestic conflicts. Among them, there is a painting "Two Sisters. (Two daughters), 1893; "Before the wedding (Farewell)" 1894; "Two mothers. Foster Mother and Birth Mother", 1905 - 1906. They were exhibited at the traveling exhibitions, and not by chance have a double name - the second name explains the meaning of the main. The imagery of these works is dominated by the principle of almost literary narrative. Makovsky describes in detail all the characters, interior accessories. It is likely that the effective plot used in these works describes when the habitual way of heroes' life literally "explodes" with the appearance of unwanted persons, it was borrowed from the Repin's painting "They did not expect him" 1884).