Самарский областной художественный музей

Samara art museum
  • О музее
  • Информация для посетителей
  • История
  • Коллекция
  • Постоянные экспозиции
  • Выставки и мероприятия
  • Видеогалерея
  • Виртуальные выставки

  • Архипов М.В. Портрет профессора Н.Н. Простосердова

    Laurens J. Делакруа Э. Положение во гроб

    Ледантю М.В. Кожевники на Куре

    Аверьянов Б.Я. Вечереет

    Тропинин В.А. Портрет Боцигетти (Портрет дамы)

    Айвазовский И.К. Утро в Гурзуфе

    Маковский В.Е. Две сестры (Две дочери)

    Шишкин И.И. Ель. Этюд


    Samara state museum is one of the biggest museums in Russian regions. It is situated in the historical center o Samara, in the clacissist building on Kuibyshev street and has exhibitions rooms on Venzeka street, in the ancient mansion, earlier occupied by merchants Shihobalov’s family.

    The museum’s collection was founded in 1897 by samara’s artists, managed by Konstantin Golovkin. Now there are more than 16 thousand pieces of art in collection. Museum has the collection of Russian art of XVII – ХХcenturies, the collection of West-Europe and East art, unique collection of Russian Avantgard and soviet and post-soviet art of XX century.

    During the past twenty years Samara state museum has a very intensive exhibition program.




    Museum has branch office in Shiryaevo village. There are the house-museum of the great Russian artist Ilya Repin and house-museum of poet Alexander Shiryaevetz. These houses are typical homesteads of XIX century on the Volga. A lot of the peasants mode’s pieces are represented there.